Civil, commercial and
administrative litigation
When it is not possible to find a negotiated solution to protect your interests, it may be necessary to file legal proceedings to protect your rights.
The aim will be to protect your rights during the delays inherent in legal proceedings and in preparation for the hearing at which these issues will be determined.
Examples of relevant publications:
Possibility of negotiating, in certain circumstances, in the presence of an emergency situation requiring the obtaining of an injunction
Injonction provisoire, urgence, et négociation : de la possibilité, lorsqu'approprié, de prendre le temps de négocier avec l'autre partie, (2019) 97:3 Revue du Barreau canadien 590-663.
[Text in French | Summary in French and in English]
Innominate instance in the Civil Code of Québec of default of the debtor by sole operation of law (i.e., automatically) when the quality of the service rendered demonstrates the debtor's incompetence.
L’incompétence manifeste du débiteur : un motif innommé de mise en demeure de plein droit, (2018) 52:1 Revue juridique Thémis de l'Université de Montréal 85-155.
[Text in French | Summary in the following languages : French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese]
Presentation and critique of the applicable threshold for triggering the grossly exaggerated claim exception, thereby rejecting the award of additional indemnity at the level of interest on the amount to be awarded by the court.
Indemnité additionnelle, discrétion et démesure : pour une actualisation des paramètres de l’exception de la réclamation grossièrement exagérée, (2023) 54-1 Revue de droit Ottawa 63-108.
[Text in French | Summary in French and in English]